Wednesday, 25 February 2015


Kenya as a developing country is in a process of transition between traditional and modern lifestyles and despite having access to a large variety of veges, Kenyans are not grazing enough on greens.
                                                        Minimal similarity
There is no similar dish that represents all the Kenyan ethnic groups. Different communities have their own native foods. Staples are maize, millet and other cereals depending on the regions, including sorghum. Serials are often eaten with various dishes inclusion of a wide range of fresh vegetables. The foods that are mostly consumed universally in Kenya are ugali, sukuma wiki and nyama choma.
Sukuma wiki’, a Swahili phrase which literally means “to push the week”, is a simple dish made with greens, similar to kales and collards that can also be made with cassava, potato or pumpkin leaves. Its Swahili name is derived from the fact that it is typically eaten to ‘get through the week’ or ‘stretch the week’.
Nyama choma is grilled meat – usually goat or sheep. It is grilled over open fire and usually eaten with ugali and kachumbari.
                                                    Ethnical preferences
One man’s meat may be another man’s poison, different communities have developed an ingrained appetite for particular meals that a week’s suspension of the dish to them is like sick ling without medication. The Luhyas, particularly residing in the western region of the country, Ingokho (chicken) and ugali is a favourite dish even though they also eat tsisaka, miroo and many other dishes.
Central Kenya, an area adversely and mainly dominated by the Kikuyu is also a region of diversified preference. A lot of tubers, including ngwaci (Irish potato), nduma (arrow roots), ikwa (yams) and mianga (cassava) are largely consumed, as well as legumes like beans and njahi (a kikuyu bean)
Around the lake region, mainly western region around lake Victoria, resides the Luo community; kuon (ugali) and rech (fish) is their favourite dish, as well as gweno (chicken), aliya (sun dried meat) and green vegetables such as osuga, akeyo, muto and boo
                                                Eating trends
As you move towards the urban centers, foods eaten by the working families vary according to preference and ethnicity. Rice and stew is more common among the working families, and other dishes i.e. chapatti (parantha), chicken stew etc. the working class within the urban centers constituting the middle and high class have currently developed eating habits with flesh constituting the better parts of the dish.
Junk food, low in nutritional value and containing a lot of calories, sugar, fat and salt are taking over the market and the world of food consumption. Salted snacks, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food and sugary carbonated beverages are the current highly consumed food.

                                           Flesh consumption
In a study conducted by World Health Organization, it was found out that there is a relation and a significant interrelation between cancer and meat consumption. The study found out that there is a significant reduction in cancer risks among those who avoid meat. The study also found out that the rate at which the risk of colon cancer development in those who consume meat daily is approximately three times.

Large quantity of beef, on a chop board (left), chicken meat, cut into smaller parts to undergo cooking (right)   photo  Otieno Lawrence
                                                   Health effects
A study by Paul Johnson and Paul Kenny at the Scripps Research Institute in 2008 suggests that Junk food consumption alters brain activity in a manner similar to addictive drugs i.e. cocaine and heroin.
Energy and focus is always significant in the child’s development stages, the Women’s and Children’s Health Network states that diet has a significant effect on children’s study habits. Foods with high sugar content deplete energy levels and the ability to concentrate on extended periods of time. This also affects their physique and they may not be able to concentrate in matters pertaining physical exercise.
                                              Chronic illnesses.
According to the Prevention Institute, experts blame junk food for the rising rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. In a study conducted in U.S.A, the Centre For Disease Control and Prevention predicts that if current trends continue, one in three U.S adults will have diabetes by the year 2050. Diabetes can lead to disability and premature death. The Centre for Food Safety noted in 2012 that obese children are also more likely to develop high cholesterol and heart disease later in life.
Junk food can be appealing for a variety of reasons including convenience, price and taste. For children, who do not always understand the health consequences of their eating habits, junk foods may appear especially appetizing.
Regular consumption of junk foods by children may lead to complications and such children are at an increased risk for health complications like obesity, depression, low self esteem as well as low performance in the extracurricular activities.
                                  Remarkable efforts 
Many countries are doing a lot to curb junk food consumption. Denmark for example, in their efforts to reduce saturated fat consumption between the periods of Dec 2011 and Nov 2012, introduced the first fat – food tax in the world by imposing a surcharge on all foods that contain more than 2.3% saturated fat.
Hungary also followed suit by imposing tax on packaged foods that contain unhealthy concentrations i.e. beverages containing more than 20mg of caffeine per 100ml.
Norway on the other hand taxes refined sugar and Mexico also features in the list with various excises on unhealthy food.  
Even though eating is an action which must be done for survival, with some of the people eating to live while some living to eat, diet is a vital thing that should be looked and considered my most if not all of the beings within the planet. The world is graduating and so does the eating habits of the inhabitants but, should you consume what is unfit for your health or should we consider and cross examine everything brought to us before rushing and consuming it even if it is so a appealing to the eye?                         

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