Sunday, 18 September 2016

Your Dress Your Character

It began with my dress my choice,
A cry from the women including Joyce,
What culminated to poor dressing choice,
Your dress your character.

Your dress defines your poise,
Even before we get to hear your voice,
Which may express nothing but noise,
Your dress your character.                                

I love the kalenjin’s brown leather jacket,
It expresses their inmost real facet,
Their countrywide laudable docket,
Your dress your character.

Observe the dressing codes of the royals,
They hardly compromise good morals,
What should be replicated by the locals,
Your dress your character.

Cladding is different from doctors to pastors,
Not the ‘pastors’ who are real monsters,
And a pilot can’t clad like a pornstar,
Your dress your character.

Dressing differentiates a student from a teacher,
A non – Christian from a devoted preacher,
And of course a creator from its creature,
Your dress your character.

Show me your dress and I’ll tell your personality,
Not the hidden one may be the reality,
And you will confirm it is your eccentricity,
Your dress your character.

By: Otieno Lawrence


Saturday, 17 September 2016


The much awaited hike to the lake region is finally here with us.
This Saturday 24 Sept 2016. Journey begins at 7am.
We charge Ksh500 only - send M-pesa to Innocent Tsalwa (0712 502053).
This caters for transport to and fro and excludes meals. Deadline for payment is Friday 8am.
Activities include:
1) Video shooting and recording lessons (photography)
2) News reporting sessions
3) News anchoring competitions
5) P.E
6) Boat ride
7) Any other that you may propose
We will be live on KUP TV
All but in a social setting
Invite a friend to invite a friend. Fisi aalike fisi mwenzake. The event is open to all Kisii University Students #MafisiTibim
Samaki will be available in plenty.

Saturday, 10 September 2016


The Grand meeting which also the first meeting of the 2016/2017 academic year. You can't just afford to miss this.
Purpose to attend.


Kisii University Press (KUP) is an association of Kisii University media students with a core aim to gather, process, package and disseminate information from within and without the institution and to help sharpen the students’ prowess in the journalism informative role.
The association was started around the year 2008 under the brand, Kisii University Media Students Association but became active in 2010 with the efforts of Abuga Makori. The members (who had the same goal) then elected their officials with Collince Kayubs as the president (Chairperson) of the association.
They then drafted a constitution which was adopted in the month of October the same year - 2010 changing the name of the association from Kisii University Media Students association to Kisii University Press (KUP).
The association though did not engage in serious journalistic activities until late 2013 when they produced the first journalistic magazine publication dubbed “The Campus Blitz.”
After the publication, the association became dormant till September 2014 when one of the staunch members of the association, Sammy Khisa convened a meeting to revive the association.
With the help of the then department of Media COD (chair of department) Ms. Catherine Wambui, the association came back to the limelight with massive registration of new members.
The former was then elected as the president of the association with Omolo Odanga being his deputy while Collince Oliech was elected the Organizing secretary among other senior posts.
A month later after the Kisii University cultural week coverage, the association was facing another nightmare, mismanagement of funds and using the association for self-interest.
This then led to the resignation of the two top officials, Khisa and Oliech and according to section 6 A (i) of the associations’ constitution, Odanga ceremoniously occupied the top seat.
Early 2015, the association produced their second major publication, The Campus Blaze Volume one. This was a rebrand of the previous publication which is vibrant and had an unmatchable journalistic touch.
The editorial team was headed by Innocent Tsalwa and assisted by other 4 subs, the five are astute journalists gifted with the prowess to fine tune and give forwarded stories from the scribes a more interesting touch of glamour before publication. The five were elected in accordance to section 4(vi) of the KUP constitution
The editors are concisely assisted by two Graphic designers, Matheka Ndambuki and Otieno Lawrence. The duo lays down the dummy and ensure the graphical arrangement of the articles are appealing to the eye. The latter is also the cartoonist and poet of the publication.
The terms of the editorial team are however limited and expires by the end of the academic year but can be renewed in accordance to section 4.iv.e of the KUP constitution.
A year down the line and the association is having bragging rights within the institution as the most vibrant association with every publication it releases becoming a dossier and agenda setting issues within the institution.
The membership is overwhelming from scribes to scholars with every individual including the top administrators within the institution yearning to associate with the association.

Current Leadership                             
Omolo Odanga – President
Ikazi Faith           - Deputy President
Lidya Chepkirui - Sec gen
Obuchunju Henix – Org sec
Mwaniki Stephen – Treasurer
Otieno Lawrence – Publicity
The content in this article will be edited whenever any change may arise.